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The Spanish embassy in Brazil hosts the awarding of degrees of the 2nd edition of Fundación Valenciaport’s Master’s program

  • The event was attended by the Spanish Ambassador to Brazil, María del Mar Fernández-Palacios and the National Secretary of Ports of Brazil, Álex Sandro de Ávila.

Valencia, November 22nd, 2024. – Last Wednesday, November 20th, the Embassy of Spain in Brazil hosted the ceremony of delivery of degrees to students of the II edition of the Master in Logistics and Port Management (MLGP) taught by Fundación Valenciaport in Brazil, as well as the recognition of public and private entities that support and collaborate with Fundación Valenciaport in training activities and international cooperation in Brazil.

The opening ceremony was in charge of the Spanish Ambassador in Brazil, María del Mar Fernández-Palacios, who welcomed all the attendees and congratulated the graduates “the real protagonists of this event, who will leave today as experts in logistics and port management”. He also invited Fundación Valenciaport to count again with the embassy in future events.

Next, the National Secretary of Ports of Brazil, Álex Sandro de Ávila, representing Minister Silvio Costa Filho, highlighted during his speech the relevance of this cooperation with Fundación Valenciaport “which is a success story in the relations between Brazil and Spain”.

The institutional part of the event concluded with the intervention of Salvador Furió, deputy director of Fundación Valenciaport, who dedicated his words to the recent graduates, reiterating his most sincere congratulations as “the diploma they receive today not only recognizes their academic excellence, but their ability to contribute significantly to the development and efficiency of our ports”.

Next, Ana Rumbeu, Training Director of Fundación Valenciaport, took the floor to highlight the leadership and great vision of the Port of Valencia, which 32 years ago created the Master in Port Management and Intermodal Transport having already held 32 successful editions in the capital of the Turia. According to the training director, “that vision is the one that Brazilian ports now want to adopt with this cooperation agreement that has allowed this Master in Logistics and Port Management in Brazil to reach its fourth edition, with about 120 port managers involved”.

This was followed by the diploma award ceremony to the 11 students of the second edition who successfully completed their program and who came from the ports of Paraná, Santarém, Belém, Salvador, Itaqui, Ceará, Santos, Antaq and the Ministry of Ports and Airports, among other entities. The diplomas were presented by the Spanish ambassador in Brazil, the national secretary of Ports of Brazil, the deputy director of Fundación Valenciaport, the director of Training of Fundación Valenciaport, and the person in charge of projects in Brazil at Fundación Valenciaport, Jonas Mendes Constante.

Mayhara Chávez, a student of the second edition, was in charge of delivering a speech on behalf of the entire graduating class, thanking them for the training received and highlighting the relevance of this program.

Jonas Mendes Constante led the second part of the ceremony in which, together with María del Mar Fernández-Palacios, they handed out recognitions to those institutions that have supported the Valenciaport Foundation and its activities in Brazil: el Ministério dos Portos e Aeroportos; la Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários (ANTAQ); la Associação Brasileira das Entidades Portuárias e Hidroviárias (ABEPH); la Federação Nacional das Operações Portuárias (FENOP); la Associação Brasileira dos Terminais Portuários (ABTP); la Associação de Terminais Portuários Privados (ATP) y la Associação Brasileira de Terminais e Recintos Alfandegados (ABTRA).

To conclude, the Deputy Director and the Training Director of Fundación Valenciaport proceeded to present an institutional gift to the Spanish Ambassador to Brazil as a thank you for hosting the event.

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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