- El desarrollo del proyecto ha incluido la realización de varias campañas para la validación de la tecnología implementada en la flota de drones en los puertos de Hamburgo, Ravenna, Le Havre, Kolobrzerg, Rotterdam y Valencia
Valencia, 15th December 2023 – This week, The Fundación Valenciaport has participated, as a member of the consortium, in the final seminar of the European PASSport project, which has been developed in the facilities of the EUSPA (European Space Programme Agency) in the city of Prague.
PASSport aims to respond to the needs expressed by port authorities, maritime authorities and border control authorities to improve the security of all European ports. The proposal is complementary to already operational platforms and extends the surveillance perimeter through the use of a fleet of drones providing operational support to security.
During the event, which was attended by representatives of the 17 project partners, several interventions were made to put into context the main developments of the project, reflecting how the PASSport platform is able to support surveillance during port operations.
The development of the project has included several campaigns to validate the technology implemented in the drone fleet, both in the laboratory and in the ports of Hamburg, Ravenna, Le Havre, Kolobrzerg, Rotterdam and Valencia.
Demonstrations have been carried out in each of the ports for different purposes. In the case of the Port of Valencia, an exploration of the potential use of drones to support maritime traffic control operations of nearby vessels was carried out, with the unique ability to classify different types of vessels (Ro-Ro, cruise ships, containers, as well as smaller vessels) providing accurate information complementary to that provided by the Vessel Traffic Transport System (VTS). On the other hand, with respect to smaller vessels, the technology has enabled the identification of vessels that enter without authorisation or come dangerously close, threatening navigation in the port access area.
Consequently, it can be stated that PASSport offers, among other functions, a support tool for navigation and control of port traffic in the vicinity of the ports. It should be noted that additional demonstrations related to environmental monitoring, safety and port security were carried out in other participating ports.
The PASSPORT project, which has been coordinated by the Italian technology-based company Sistemática and in which Fundación Valenciaport has actively participated, has had a total budget of around 2.8 million euros, co-financed by the H2020 Programme.
The consortium also includes the following partners: M3 Systems Belgium, Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Deutsches Zentrum Fuer Luft – und Raumfahrt; Gmv Aerospace and Defence, Fundacio Eurecat, Digi One, G7 International, Akademia Morska W Szczecinie, Bergmann-Marine, Autorita’ Portuale del Porto di Gioia Tauro, Deep Blue, Centre d’etudes et d’expertise sur les risques l’environnement la mobilite et l’Amenagement, and Alcina.